Conan - (045/0??) (2004) - ONGOING

Conan is a Dark Horse Comics series about the famous character Conan the Cimmerian, who was created by writer Robert E. Howard. It is set to run for 50 issues, before being relaunched as Conan the Cimmerian with a new #1, and has spawned more than 4 other miniseries. The comic's unconventional art consists of only color and pencilwork, with no inkwork, providing a painterly aesthetic.

Conan is a Robert E. Howard character, the adventures of whom are published by Dark Horse Comics. The first series, simply titled Conan(starting with Conan #0 in 2003), is set to run for 50 issues, before being relaunched as Conan the Cimmerian with a new #1. There have also been a number of other miniseries.

Dark Horse Comics began their take on Conan in 2003. This series is a fresh interpretation, original material and stories based on the works of Robert E. Howard, with no connection to the large Marvel run or other post-Howard material. Each issue also contains "The Adventures of Two-Gun Bob (True Stories from the Life of Robert E. Howard)" by Jim & Ruth Keegan.



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