Fringe - (01/ 06) (2008) (ONGOING)

 Fringe Comic #1 was released September 3, 2008, and is dated October 2008. It is the first issue of a six-part series, and features two FRINGE-related stories:

* "Like Minds" details the first meeting of Walter Bishop and William Bell, and their first experiment together.

* "The Prisoner" follows a man from Littleton, Nebraska who wakes up in prison with a different body and a different name, and has no idea how he got there.

Like Minds

It is Fall, circa 1970, and the young Harvard physics professor Walter Bishop meets an inquisitive student, William Bell. William becomes the sole supporter of Walter's theory that humans can communicate non-verbally via electrical means. An experiment intended to transfer memory from one mouse to another goes wrong when William is temporarily electrocuted. William subsequently has a flashing memory of a Golden Bird and a man who he doesn't readily recognize.

Writers: Zack Whedon & Julia Cho
Artist: Tom Mandrake
Colorist: Carrie Strachan
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Assistant Editor: Kristy Quinn
Story Consultants: Athena Wickham & Dave Baronoff
Editors: Ben Abernathy & Hank Kanalz

The Prisoner

n Nebraska, Frank proposes to Sarah, who accepts. That night, wide awake in bed with Sarah, Frank suddenly finds himself in a prison - with a different name ("Jones") and body! While using a weekly sole phone call allotment to reach Sarah, she claims Frank is with her. Frank, in Jones' body, provokes a fellow prisoner to injure him so he can make another call to Sarah - but by then, her number has been disconnected. The story shifts to Montana, where an electronic transference between humans seemingly fails. Then an English-speaking woman suddenly finds herself in the body of a Russian astronaut in a spacecraft orbiting Earth.

Writers: Alex Katsnelson & Danielle Dispaltro
Pencilers: Simon Coleby
Inkers Cliff Rathburn & Coleby
Colorists: Jim Charalampidis
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Story Consultants: Athena Wickham & Dave Baronoff
Editors: Ben Abernathy & Hank Kanalz



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