Silke - (04/04) (2001) - COMPLETE

By: Tony Daniel
Letterer: Kathleen at Fishbrain, Alison Fuchs
Colorist: Jung Choi, Steve Firchow
Genre: Action/Adventure, Science-Fiction, Superhero

The rumors are true: comics superstar Tony Daniel is now at Dark Horse! As the acclaimed former artist of Spawn and X-Force and the best-selling creator of The Tenth, Adrenalynn, and F5, Daniel is renowned among fans and professionals alike for the explosive dynamism of his visuals and the innovative excitement of his creations. And his latest and greatest creation is about to be unleashed: Silke. When a secret CIA experiment goes wrong, the participants find their genetic structures altered, giving them enhanced abilities and the power to morph their appearances. But the project gets shut down with extreme prejudice! and one of the participants, Sandra Silke, escapes?and now she's been framed for the murder of the other transformed agents and has become a fugitive who must set things right at all costs! Silke is the action-packed story of one woman's battle for survival against overwhelming odds, and is created, written, and drawn by Tony Daniel. Don't miss your chance to get in on the ground floor of the hot new series of 2001!



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