Publisher: Marvel Comics
Schedule: Monthly
Format: Ongoing series
Publication date: May 2004 - Mar. 2005
Number of issues: 12
Main character(s): Thor

Creative team

Writer(s): Akira Yoshida
Artist(s): Greg Tocchini

Thor: Son of Asgard was a comic book series published by Marvel Comics in 2004 to 2005. It was originally a mini-series of 6 issues but was later extended to an ongoing series that lasted for 12 issues in total.


The series followed Thor's early adventures in Asgard with Sif and Balder.

The Warriors Teen (#1-6)

Odin sends Thor, Sif and Balder on a quest to find four items that will then be fashioned into an enchanted blade. Both Karnilla and Loki learn of the quest and separately try to stop the trio from completing it. However when Karnilla captures Loki and attempts to convince him to aid her in overthrowing Odin, Loki refuses and instead informs Thor, Sif and Balder of Karnilla's plan. Sif, Balder and Loki return to Odin to prepare for the attack while Thor completes the quest.

Enchanted (#6-9)

Amora and Loki work together to trick Sif into stealing the Mirror of Mycha.

Worthy (#10-12)

Hela conspires with the Storm Giants to kill Thor by capturing Sif and threatening to kill her. However when Thor offers himself in Sif's place, Hela decides against killing him as it wouldn't break Odin's heart as she had hoped as Thor would die an honorable death.



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