Amazons Attack! is a six-issue comic book limited series that was published by DC Comics. Written by Will Pfeifer and pencilled by Pete Woods, the first issue was released April 25, 2007.

A proposed story titled Amazons Attack! was originally slated as one of the mini-series that lead into the Infinite Crisis storyline. However, it was cancelled and never appeared. Though the projects share the same title, the planned Crisis tie-in was a completely different storyline that involved the U.S. military invading Themyscira.

The Amazons teleport to Washington, D.C., where Diana is being held captive and tortured by the Department of Metahuman Affairs. The DMA wants the schematic plans for an Amazonian Purple Ray, wishing to deploy the device for their own uses. Diana refuses their demand. Led by the newly resurrected Hippolyta and her adviser Circe, the Amazons are joined by mythical creatures such as chimeras, winged horses, hydras and several cyclopes. The Amazon forces waste no time in murdering every male in sight, both adult and child, regardless of whether or not they are armed. Hippolyta is bent on destroying Man's World once and for all, and goes so far as to slice the head off of Lincoln's statue at the Lincoln Memorial. Two Amazons enter the White House and attempt to assassinate the President of the United States, but are stopped by Black Lightning...



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