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Biohazards is an original English-language manga written Toren Smith and Adam Warren and illustrated by Adam Warren, based on the Dirty Pair characters created by Haruka Takachiho. Originally published by Eclipse Comics between December 1988 - April 1989 and has since been collected into a trade paperback TPB in 1989 and reissued by Dark Horse Comics in 1998.

The Lovely Angels are assigned to Pacifica: tissue samples and the single surviving brainchip of leading biotechnical engineer Kelvin A. O'Donnell have been stolen by agents of Abraham Streib, a rival industrialist maimed in an accident apparently staged by O'Donnell. Enter the Dirty Pair, who rescue O'Donnell's brainchip, implanted by Streib in a cuddly Pseudo-Fuzzy. Mission accomplished - but O'Donnell convinces the Angels of Streib's traffic in illegal bioweapons, and persuades them to help him retrieve his tissue samples so he can regain his humanity. His consciousness transferred to a synthetic warbeast, O'Donnell leads the Pair to Streib's lab, obliterating most of his cronies - and a sizable section of Pacifica's capital city. O'Donnell assures the destruction of Streib's operation, and of Streib himself, but, en route home, is arrested by Pacifica Security for unlawful bioweapons production of his own.

Adam Warren and Toren Smith - The Dirty Pair: Biohazards. ISBN 1-56971-339-1



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