Chimera - (04/04) (2003) - COMPLETE

 Chimera was an American comic book published by CrossGen Entertainment from March to July 2003. It was a mini-series that ran for four issues. Chimera was most notable for its artwork. Produced by Brandon Peterson the artwork was a blending of traditional and computer-enhanced techniques.

Chimera tells the story of Sara Janning who carves away massive chunks of ice as part of a tritium mining operation on the frozen world of Serevan. Serevan lives on the edge of Chimeran space, there she has been trying to hide her genetic makeup from the Chimeran Imperium, an empire of over 200 planets. When a stranger arrives on Serevan, however, Sara is discovered and it seems that not even the distant world of Serevan is far away enough to escape the notice of the Chimeran Imperium.



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