Spooks - (04/04) (2008) - COMPLETE

 This is the untold story of SPOOKS, the secret branch of the government that protects humanity from things that go bump in the night. But when the king of all vampires forms an alliance with the deadliest of witches to launch an invasion of classic monsters on Washington, D.C., the Spooks find themselves in an all-out battle for the fate of the planet!

Larry Hama vs. R.A. Salvatore in an epic event! Classic Monsters from the mind of R.A. Salvatore! Military characters from the mind of Larry Hama!

Based on a concept by Ryan Schifrin (Director of Abominable)!

Devil's Due assembles an ultimate mash-up of Horror, Fantasy & Military Adventure!

When asked about the unique military influences of SPOOKS Larry Hama replied, "Have you ever wondered what happens when you hit a vampire with a high-velocity discarding-sabot anti-tank round that has an ash-wood stake core-penetrator instead of depleted uranium?" Maybe you haven't, but Larry has!




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