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Dangerous Acquaintances - 5 issues, June 1989 - March 1990 (TPB, 1991, Soft Cover: ISBN 1-56060-116-7, Hard Cover: ISBN 1-56060-116-9; 1997, reissue, ISBN 1-56971-227-1)

Dangerous Acquaintances is an original English-language manga written Toren Smith and Adam Warren and illustrated by Adam Warren, based on the Dirty Pair characters created by Haruka Takachiho. Originally published by Eclipse Comics between June 1989 - March 1990 and has since been collected into a trade paperback TPB in 1991 and reissued by Dark Horse Comics in 1997.


The Lovely Angels are on vacation on the planet of Rocinante when they spot an old 'acquaintance', Shasti. Kei and Yuri immediately attack Shasti in a drunken rage, but are quickly subdued by the heavily-armed and violent local police as Shasti blends into the crowd. Through a series of flashbacks interwoven though the story, the tale of the betrayal, attempted murder, and humiliation of the (then-rookie) pair by the increasingly psychotic superagent Shasti is told. The Lovely Angels start investigating Shasti's presence on the planet, and uncover a nest of apparently unconnected plots that all seem to have Shasti as the leader. Revolutionaries, a band of thieves after a collection of priceless antiques and an experimental one-of-a-kind FTL drive installed in an interstellar liner filled with rich and influential potential hostages: which is Shasti's real goal and what is simply smokescreen? One thing is clear, though: the Dirty Pair want revenge against Shasti, and not even their reputation will bar the way!


Adam Warren and Toren Smith - The Dirty Pair: Dangerous Acquaintances. ISBN 1-56060-116-7



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