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A Plague of Angels - 5 issues, August 1990 - November 1991 (TPB, 1995, ISBN 1-56971-227-)

"A Plague of Angels" is the 3rd original English-language manga version of Haruka Takachiho's Dirty Pair characters, written by Toren Smith and Adam Warren and illustrated by Adam Warren. It was the last Dirty Pair comic that Toren Smith and Adam Warren co-wrote on, Adam going on to handle all future Writing for the series on his own. Originally published by Studio Proteus in 5 issues between August 1990 - November 1991, it has since been collected into a trade paperback TPB in 1995 and reissued by Dark Horse Comics.


As public outrage peaks, the Angels are restricted to the Kalevala O'Neill Colony to help with local investigations of a technology-smuggling outfit. Meanwhile, the 3WA launches a full-scale public relations assault, commissioning a glowingly positive profile for High Sense magazine. As the Pair turn a routine stake-out into a free-for-all, ambitious reporter Cory Emerson takes the assignment. Cory arrives to find the Pair in trouble with Security for the stake-out fiasco, which nonetheless has revealed the nature of their adversaries: artificial personalities encoded on microsoftware plugs enabling the smugglers to move between host bodies. The Angels, with Cory in tow, go solo to crack the ring, but the smugglers unleash their secret weapon: a robot using a maniacal artificial personality that threatens to blow everyone up using a low-yield gravity bomb! The Pair successfully defeat the robot, but the bomb doesn't seem to be with it anymore...


Adam Warren and Toren Smith - The Dirty Pair: A Plague of Angels. ISBN 1-56971-029-5


1 Comment:

  1. Anônimo said...
    Woww!!!Thanks a lot!!Now the collection is complete ;)...I have other Adam Warren's works too, so if you need something, let me know!...I often check your blog!..Thanks again!.

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